Saturday, November 19, 2005

Get our boys out of Iraq, John Murtha says

Yes, it is time to get our daughters and sons out of Iraq. We made a mistake going into the war. Now let's not continue the mistake by staying there too long. Our presence in Iraq has been a rallying force for the anti-American sentiment in Iraq.

My answer to the critics who are against the pull-out. People sounded the same warning/caution against pulling out of Vietnam: "leaving the whole southeast Asia to the Viet Con and red communist China." "The world will never see peace again." "US interest in southeast Asia will be greatly damaged if we pull out." Now more than thirty years later, has Vietnam become a threat to US?

We entered Vietnam war because we believed "the communists" were a great threat to the free world. We entered the Iraq war, for similar reason, that the terrorists could use Iraq as a launching pad to attach US interest. History may once again prove that we are overly paranoiac, as we were in the case of Vietnam.

(An after note: yes, I am an American citizen. "We" refers to We Americans.)

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