Saturday, November 01, 2008

McCain's tax plan vs. Obama's tax plan (satire)

Let's be frank about it. McCain has a better tax plan than Obama. Not only he gives some tax cut to the poor, he will also cut tax for the wealthy and big corporations, just in case they need it. McCain will cut tax for EVERYONE, not only the middle class and poor.
How will he balance the budget, if he cut taxes? He will freeze all domestic spending except the military. Sure, this will cripple domestic economy. But no worry, our corporations can always do business in other countries. And our military spending will definitely stimulate the economy of our friends in the middle east. Yes, tough economic time is ahead of us here in the US. But that is why we are asking you to put the country first.
Even freezing domestic spending would not balance the budget, because we are already running a half trillion dollar budget deficit. But, don't fret. The government can always borrow. We have been doing that in the last eight years! Why can't we continue doing that?

On the other hand, Obama only gives tax cut to those who need it. He asks the wealthy and the corporations to chip in a little bit more. That is socialism, my friends. Obama will reduce our military spending by ending the war in Iraq, and boost domestic spending to stimulate the US economy. He will give tax credit to small businesses that create jobs in the US, not ship jobs overseas. He will repair the crippling infrastructure, and encourage investment in alternative energy technologies. My friends, that does not work! That is government intervention. You democrats did that in the 90s, the early 60s, and the late 30s. The New Deal. The Great Society. Blah blah blah. Those are false hopes. They work for a while, until we republicans came in to crash them.

My friends, on November 4th, remember to vote for McCain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

are you ready to celebrate your win yet?