Monday, May 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton has no shame

Hillary Clinton does not have any sense of shame. It was she who made a senseless comment about RFK assassination in June of 1968. Now she is turning around and attacking the Obama campaign for hyping up the incidence. Obama did not say much about the her comments. He showed his class by accepting the silly explanation and "apology" from Clinton.

Should we make a big issue out of this incidence? I think yes, we should. This incidence, along with many others, such as her comments about dodging sniper's bullets in her 90s Bosnia trip, goes a long way to show her CHARACTER, or lack of. SHE BASICALLY HAS NO SHAME. She cares only about winning. She does not care about the party. She cares less about truth. She has no principle. She will use any means to achieve her ends, which is to win the election. She would rather destroy the democratic party than not being able to win the nomination. That is her.

To say that she did not mean anything evil in her comment about RFK assassination is simply an insult to the intelligence of the voters, particularly of the so called "low-income rural WHITE working class" she has been so carefully pandering to. Mrs. Clinton, we heard it loud and clear. You were hoping some miracle might happen that Mr Obama would all of sudden be assassinated in June as RFK was in 1968. Then you would become the Democratic nominee. Shame on you. You have got no trace of human decency left in you! If God forbidden, some crazy racist would attempt to assassinate Mr. Obama, we would hold YOU accountable for inciting that to happen. You are typical of what a dirty politician is all about!

Mrs. Clinton, why don't you just run as a Republican, so we will have some peace within the Democratic party? Go join McCain. He is looking for a VEEP. He might consider you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am with you, bro.