Thursday, January 27, 2005

CA train wreck and Iraqi election

An absurd piece of news yesterday. Some nuts in CA tried to kill himself by parking his SUV on on commuter train track. As the train approached, he chickened out and jump for his miserable life. But the train hit the car, derailed, hit a parked freight train, and was hit by another passing-by commuter train. Ten people died and scores of others were injured.

This person is a domestic terrorist. If he wants to kill himslef, there are many other ways: bite the bullet literally, jump down from the bridge, or whatever other means. This guy has a miserable life that he does not want to live, and worse of it is that he wants to make others' lives miserable as his. What a crooked mind!

Now he does not have to kill himself. The law will.

Another topic. Iraqi people will hold an election for the general assembly this Sunday. Quite ironic for the US government. No matter what outcome the election result may be, it is not going to be good for the US. Suppose the conservative Shiite coalition won the most of seats, that is not what the US wants to see. Suppose the US-supported interim government won majority, what the radical shiites will say? The election is unfair, and rigged! Then these radicals might join the Suni insurgents. That is even worse for the US occupation force.

Will the US force continue to stay in Iraq after the "elected" Iraqi government takes over? That again is a thorny issue. If the US-supported interim government wins the election, obviously it will "ASK" the US force to stay "as long as the security and stability requires". But what if the Religious Shias takes over, and asks the US force to leave?

What an entangled web we weaved ourselves into!

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