Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Evolution vs Intelligent Design

There is absolutely no scientific basis to reject the hypothesis of Intelligent Design for the origin of life. In fact, common sense plus preponderance of circumstantial evidence would argue in favor of such a hypothesis. If we can all be objective, a debate between the two camps should be a good idea. The problem is many people out of political reasons would not even listen to what the other side has to say.

As you can see, I am firmly in the "intelligent design" camp. With a Ph D in molecular biology, I have long found the theory of evolution full of inconsistencies. But in the scientific circle, it is heretic and professionally suicidal to question this theory, because people would not take your work seriously if they find out they you don't believe in evolution. The dogmatism of the evolutionists is equivalent to that of the medieval Catholic church.

But I do not support to put "intelligent design" as part of the curriculum. Theology should be separated from science even it may be truthful. However, our education system should not promote dogma, but promote objective discussions on the theory of evolution.